Wednesday, November 17, 2004

The Stiletto, again.

Our good friend, James Lileks, wields the stiletto in justifying the ACLU's treatment of the Boy Scouts.

Best parts;

"Move over, OBL -- our new national threat comes from the BSA.

The people barging into the courts are the ones obsessed that Boy Scouts might be using public school rooms after hours to learn knot tying. And scouts drive on public roads to get there, too. They even breathe air whose quality is mandated by federal regulations that take public money to enforce. Theocratic parasites, that's what they are. What's next? A 900-foot statue of Jesus on the Mall in Washington?

And we're talking about the BOY SCOUTS, for heaven's sake, not some Junior Klan League noted for torchlight parades through Jewish neighborhoods. Who has the time to worry whether the scouts are meeting in the local library? Isn't there some real, actual evil handy you could sue?

Better yet: If you don't like the scouts' oath or rules, how about you drink a nice hot cup of LIVE AND LET LIVE and start your own group?

Throwing the scouts into an electrified pen that keeps them from contaminating government is not high on the list of your average Democratic concerns.

But you'll still vote Democratic? 'Count on it, friend.'

Then one day his kid's Wolf Pack gets denied a permit to hold a party in a public park.

And thus do blue folks see red."

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