Two drivers told police that their buses were forced to a stop by youths wearing masks, carrying pistols and knives and driving a VW "bocho" (old Beetle). The thugs stole their money and other belongings and ordered them off the buses. Then they burned one of the buses. Their attempt to ignite the other bus was only partially successful as it sustained minor damage.
The APPO / SNTE hijackers now have about 50 state and city owned vehicles as well as about 35 city buses under their control. These vehicles are packed around the Zócalo and the state-owned radio and TV studios that APPO occupied last Tuesday. One of the biggest city bus operators, Sertexa, has announced that it will pull its bus fleet from service, leaving some 150,000 citizens on foot.
for art, gifts and collectibles -- all hand made
by Mexican indigenous artists.
TAGS: Oaxaca, Mexico, Oaxaca teachers' strike, APPO, SNTE
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