Tuesday, March 06, 2007

PEMEX, Tabasco, Mexico: Company pays for clean up of "natural asphalt"

PEMEX is paying 100 pesos per day to some 108 local citizens to walk Tabasco's gulf beaches and pick up chunks of "natural asphalt" This "naturally occurring asphalt" is really globs of solidified crude oil mixed with sand and some kind of plant identified as "lirio", which could be lily-of-the-valley, iris, water hyacinth or water lily, depending on the dictionary of your choice.

PEMEX insists that the "natural asphalt" comes from "natural asphalt producing sites" over which it has no control. A PEMEX spokesman claims that there are "more than 1000 'naturally occurring natural asphalt producing natural asphalt producing sites' in the Gulf of Mexico" . . . naturally (as opposed, of course, to naturally occurring but non-producing natural asphalt producing sites, I think).

The local head of Profepa (Mexico's environmental watchdog . . . sort of), Ramiro Berrón, apparently immune to multi-million peso bribe offers and death threats, "advised PEMEX that he will continue watching the company's advances in cleaning up the nasty globs even if their source is 'natural'".

Now, I'm fully aware that this might possibly be a truly naturally occurring natural phenomena. However, with PEMEX's almost unbroken record of never telling the truth about anything that might be viewed as unfavorable and its equally sterling record of vastly overstating anything that might be viewed as even remotely favorable, I must agree with Reforma's generous use of quotation marks (" . . . ") as well as quotes inside quotes ("' . . . '").

For gifts, collectibles and Mexican art and crafts, visit Pale Horse Galleries online store. http://palehorsemex.vstore.ca/ A worker holds up a piece of asphalt collected from a Tabasco beach which PEMEX claims is naturally occurring.
"Natural asphalt" direct from Route 66's lastest repaving project.

For gifts, collectibles and Mexican art and crafts, visit Pale Horse Galleries online store. http://palehorsemex.vstore.ca/ Some of the more than 108 local workers PEMEX has hired to clean up what it claims is naturally occurring asphalt.
A little neighborhood cleanup of "nature's" oily garbage.

For gifts, collectibles and Mexican art and crafts, visit Pale Horse Galleries online store. http://palehorsemex.vstore.ca/ A worker holds up a piece of asphalt collected from a Tabasco beach which PEMEX claims is naturally occurring.
"If you find this, please mail to Ray Nagin, New Orleans, LA, USA"

Please visit the Pale Horse Galleries online store
for art, gifts and collectibles -- all hand made
by Mexican indigenous artists.

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