Thursday, December 21, 2006

Oaxaca, Mexico: APPO gets the bill. "Your prompt payment is appreciated."

Mark in Mexico, Pale Horse Galleries for gifts, collectibles, Mexican arts and crafts, APPO gets a bill from the state of Oaxaca for 1.3 million pesos.
The Oaxacan state government has prepared and served some 121 APPO members with judicial proceedings demanding 100 million pesos in reparations for damages to property during the recent "troubles". The demands were issued by judges in Etla, Tlacolula y Miahuatlán.

The damages demanded are for reparations to:
The Tribunal Superior de Justicia building where some 6000 civil and criminal case files were destroyed - 43 million pesos

The offices of Grupo Artesanal, Banamex and Agencia Mexicana - 4 million pesos

The Poder Judicial Federal building,

The Federal Relaciones Exteriores ofices

The Asociación de Hoteles y Moteles

The Secretaría de Turismo estatal

The Servicio de Administración Tributaria.

Teatro Juárez

Hotel Camino Real

The Guelaguetza Amphitheater - 3.5 million pesos

The state owned Channel 9 radio and TV studios - 20 million pesos

60 city transit buses damaged or destroyed

20 private vehicles destroyed
And there is no doubt a lot more to come. INAH (National institute of Anthropology and History) estimated 300 million pesos just to repair damage to some 1000 buildings and properties throughout the state. That damage estimate included everything from replacing broken windows and covering or removing painted slogans to the complete rebuilding of some heavily damaged properties. It did not include replacing any vehicles nor did it put a price tag on destroyed files or other data.

Reforma's report also does not list any damages to the 066 (911) emergency communication system installation, Juarez University, the Juarez University radio station, a dozen private radio station installations nor the homes of Big Mac and Double Whopper with Cheese.

Thanks for the votes. I really appreciate it!

Please visit the Pale Horse Galleries online store
for art, gifts and collectibles -- all hand made
by Mexican indigenous artists.

Cross posted at Pale Horse Galleries

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