The ongoing and neverending disputes over the treatment of illegal aliens, mostly Mexican, in the United States is, er, ongoing and neverending.
Let the Mexicans show us the true way, take the high road, show us the light:
At 5:00 this morning in Ixtepec, a city in the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, local police made a raid on a train carrying 400-500 illegals from Central America. The train had stopped on its way north from Chiapas and the illegals were sleeping at the time.
The police rounded up only about a dozen of them, mostly women.
When other illegals, including relatives of some of the women, tried to intervene, they were pistol whipped and threatened with death.
The illegals remaining on the train were able to learn, presumably from a local Catholic priest named José Alejandro Solalinde Guerra, that the arrested illegals, including the women, had not been taken to jail, but instead were being held in a "safe house" somewhere in the city.
Double hmmm.
With that, about a hundred of the illegals, most from Nicaragua and Guatamala, armed themselves as best they could with machetes, clubs and rocks, and headed out into the city steets searching for their women.
At about 8:30, they were directed by neighbors to two houses where the women had been originally taken but they found both empty. Now the story gets complicated. The priest, presumably still offering intelligence services to the illegals, directed them to yet another house. The mob marched off in search of the third house under the watchful eyes of the police, who had arrived but taken no action because they were seriously outnumbered.
When the mob reached safe house #3, they broke in and, again, found no one there. They did find, however, passports, clothing, the women's ID's and money transfer receipts from Central America. Another neighbor said that the controllers of this house had been warned of the approaching mob and skeedaddled with the women. Now the cops arrived en force.
As the police arrested some 50 and attempted to shoo away the rest, one of the illegals clutched onto the belt of Padre Solalinde. With that, the police commander, Pedro Flores Narváez, got pissed. "Haul them all away. Father, this is all your fault," he shouted at the priest. Then, pushing, kicking and slapping him, the cops hauled off the priest also. I would assume that police Captain Pedro was referring to the priest's surprisingly intimate knowledge of the exact addresses of various safe houses used by human traffickers in and around Ixtepec.
No doubt Captain Pedro and his diligent band of law enforcement agents had been keeping noses to grindstones for months searching for these clandestine stops on the Mexican underground railway without success. He becames testy when Padre José was able to point them out with the simple use of the index finger on his right hand: "Por allí, por allí, y, este, también por allí." (That one there, that one over there, and, uh, that one there also.)

The priest said he had simply been accompanying the illegals to document that they were peaceful and were commiting no violence. A mob of one hundred, armed with machetes, clubs and rocks and marching around the city streets at 8:00 in the morning breaking into houses, doesn't sound to me too peaceful and non-violent, regardless of their reasons.
In any event, as of the last reports coming out of that shining beacon of tolerance on a hill in Ixtepec, Oaxaca, Mexico, the women are still missing and the priest is still in jail. And a whorehouse somewhere in Detroit is looking forward to some fresh meat.
for art, gifts and collectibles -- all hand made
by Mexican indigenous artists.
Cross posted at Pale Horse Galleries
TAGS: Ixtepec, Oaxaca, Mexico, Oaxaca teachers strike, Pale Horse Galleries, gifts, collectibles, Mexican arts and crafts, illegal immigration
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