Police in Uruapan, Michoacan, received an anonymous phone tip that armed men were seen hanging around a warehouse. The warehouse was being used as a long term parking lot and part of it was also being used as a sawmill. When a contingent of police arrived to check it out, they walked around the interior of the property.
They noticed that the floor of the warehouse had been disturbed. They started digging. So far, the cops have dug up 9 bodies, 2 women and 7 men. All had their hands and feet bound and had been shot in the head. That makes at least 35 bodies dug up from various mass graves over the past 3 years, all executed.
The bodies were buried in various locations around the warehouse's interior. The 9 victims found so far had been executed and buried at different times.
This gives a whole new meaning to "long term parking".
The owner of the warehouse and his wife have been arrested, along with two other relatives and two employees. They are accused of parking the nine customers for eternity without a proper permit.
This would probably have never come to light were it not for Felipe Calderón's ordering the PFP and the military into Michoacan to start to clean up the mess there. Narcotraffickers had just about taken control of the entire state. Calderón sent in the PFP and military about a month ago. To date they've arrested scores of people, including many high ranking cartel members, confiscated an arsenal of high powered weapons and explosives as well as everything from yachts to gold bars to acres of herbicide resistant marijuana plants.

The PFP and the military have also moved into Tijuana. Mayor Jorge Hank Rhon, "Señor Hank", is whining that all of his problems with the drug traffickers were inherited and are the fault of Vicente Fox. Sr. Hank is the son of one of Mexico's wealthiest men and career PRI dinosaur, Carlos Hank Gonzalez. Sr. Hank is also the owner of Mexico's largest and just about only legal gambling and gaming company. Sr. Hank is noted for getting arrested while smuggling suitcases full of internationally outlawed ocelot skins and ivory into the country.
His clever smuggling technique was to arrive at Mexico City's airport from Hong Kong and declare that he had nothing to declare because he was, well, Jorge Hank Rhon. When some foolish and no longer employed Mexican customs officer started opening the suitcases anyway, several hundred thousand dollars of illegal contraband tumbled out all over the floor.
Sr. Hank was later found not guilty by a bought off judge and then elected mayor of Tijuana. Oh yes, and he also got caught, but was never charged, with trying to smuggle in an endangered gorilla. Said gorilla probably never knew just how endangered he really was. Actually, it was Sr. Hank's personal, private zoo director who got caught. In Florida. Wearing a gorilla suit. Don't ask. Just follow the link.
Sr. Hank does not always get off scott free. He was stopped at a border crossing south of San Diego by US Customs before he could cross back into Mexico with an endangered white Bengal tiger cub perched on the headrest of his car seat. He paid a $25,000 fine and lost the tiger cub. US authorities didn't give a sh*t who his daddy was. But daddy soon replaced the lost Bengal tiger cub with one he illegally imported from Tanganyika, Tanzania, Tanzibar, Tazmania or someplace.
Now, after Sr. Hank's city had to be occupied by federal forces and his entire police force disarmed, he intends to resign and run for governor. And he will no doubt get elected. Does one wonder that Mexicans have the government they deserve?

The same type of thing happens in the USA, of course. How could Richard Hatcher keep getting reelected mayor of Gary, Indiana while leading that city down into the sewer from which it has never been able to climb out?
Why did Coleman Young keep getting reelected mayor of Detroit while that city rolled over and died? Well, he did make Detroit a shining light. The hundreds of fires from torched buildings every Halloween were visble from space.
And why, after Mayor Dennis Archer, who installed the first decent city government in decades, and then decided that 4 years of that crap was enough for him, did the people of Detroit elect the pimp Kwame Kilpatrick. Kwame, after being found liable for hundreds of thousands of dollars in luxury hotel room costs and opulent dinners costing up to 10,000 dollars each, all paid for on his city credit cards, promptly got himself reelected. Detroit deserves all the misery that it still has coming to it.

Why does the Congressional Black Caucus in the US House give a standing ovation to Rep. William Jefferson after the FBI finds $90,000 in his freezer that an undercover agent gave to him in a bribe payment? And why has the FBI and Justice department not brought charges against him?
How does federal judge Alcee Hastings get impeached by the House by the razor thin margin of 413-3, then get elected and then reelected 7 times to that same House? And then get all pissed off, along with the aforementioned Black Caucus, when he doesn't get named chairman of the House ethics committee?
Why did the citizens of New Orleans reelect Mayor Ray Nagin when he was at least 60% responsible for the deaths of some thousand or so of their fellow citizens? After he allowed many of them to be trapped in supposed refuges without food or water while hundreds of city schoolbuses slowly went underwater in their parking lots?

And why do the people of Massachusetts elect and reelect a fat drunk who swam away from a car he drove off a bridge, drunk, of course, and left a young girl to drown? And after he got Massachusetts state officials to commit perjury in court on his behalf? And after he had his drivers license lifted for drunk driving (several times) but just happened to have an extra in his pocket from another state? And after he got tossed out of Harvard for cheating on an exam by sending in an imposter to take the test for him? And after he spent so many years cheating on his wife and mother of their 3 children, Joan Bennett Kennedy, with so many different women that he drove her to alcoholism and ultimately to a gutter where she was found lying with a broken shoulder and concussion?

I dunno. I think the inescapable fact is that people are really stupid creatures. Excepting, of course, thee and me. And I'm not so sure of thee.

for art, gifts and collectibles -- all hand made
by Mexican indigenous artists.
Cross posted at Pale Horse Galleries
Stupid pictures from Stupid Pictures dot com.
TAGS: Oaxaca, Mexico, Oaxaca teachers strike, Pale Horse Galleries, gifts, collectibles, Mexican arts and crafts, narcofosas, Uruapan, Michoacan, Tijuana, Jorge Hank Rhon, gorilla
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