At least 5 gunshots were fired in the vicinity of the Hotel Magisterial where the striking teachers were trying to hold their latest vote on returning to work . . .or not. Then, a block from the hotel, a group of masked gunmen set fire to a bus they had hijacked and driven to the spot.
All of this "respect" for the teachers' decision which was promised by APPO was more than the teachers could bear and forced them to suspend their poll and evacuate the hotel. Section 22 leader Enrique Rueda Pacheco did not even try to put in an appearance at the hotel.
Unofficial word from inside the hotel indicates that the teachers are generally in favor of returning to their classrooms by a margin of 27,000 for and 16,000 against. There have already been charges of vote manipulation.
I guess that the suspension of voting under threat of lead poisoning or immolation doesn't count as vote manipulation.

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by Mexican indigenous artists.
TAGS: Oaxaca, Mexico, Oaxaca teachers strike
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