FROM THE LEFT: Red shirt with rifle: Juan Carlos Soriano Velasco aka "El Chapulin" (The Grasshopper), identified as a policeman;
Dark jacket with pistol: Manuel Aguilar, identified as City Personnel Manager;
Red shirt with pistol: Avel (sic) Santiago Zárate, identified as city councilman in charge of public security.
It is and has been widely ballyhooed that the APPO insurrectionists are not armed. One irate left-wing commenter went so far as to state, "It's a well known fact that APPO is not armed." Sorry lady, whomever you are sitting up there on your fat ass, but it's a well known fact that APPO is, indeed, armed. The problem has been that photographers have to be so careful around the APPO barricades and the APPO roving gangs, called "brígadas móviles" (mobile brigades). Any unwanted photo can result in a beating and destruction of equipment.
Photographers have to "register" with APPO and receive a permit. These permits are regularly canceled and then grudgingly reissued whenever APPO officials receive complaints from their followers about photos or APPO sees photos in the newpapers that are, uh, less than complimentary. Reporters have been reduced to reporting "gunshots" and "scattered gunshots of indeterminant origen" to describe gunfights.
So the following photos are a rarity. These photos show quite clearly that APPO thugs are armed. The first photo shows an APPO gunman en flagrante (shootin' at sumbody).

He supposedly owns a fleet of 50 taxis although the source of the money he used to buy 50 taxis is unknown. He has two daughters who are enrolled in a private French/English/Spanish school here in Oaxaca de Juarez (he denies this also but the children's friends say otherwise) while 1.3 million other school children throughout the state have had no classes for 5 months.
for art, gifts and collectibles -- all hand made
by Mexican indigenous artists.
TAGS: Oaxaca, Mexico, Oaxaca teachers strike, American killed
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