Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Oaxaca, Mexico: Mark is back.

Thank you for all the concerned emails. I'm OK. I've been out of the city almost constantly for about a month, working on a project up along the border. I don't have all of the electronic gizmos and whizbangs necessary to blog while on the road. When I must travel it is difficult to maintain the blog. I had some co-bloggers for awhile but they all left due to health reasons. I made them sick to their stomachs. Also, none of them wanted to be seen standing too close to me out in public. Bullet fragments, ricochets, shrapnel and all that seemed to be of great concern to them. I cannot understand why.

There follows posts about the current state of anarchy in Oaxaca, where we are and where we are expected to be in the next few days. Once again, thank you for your concern. I'll try to answer all of your emails personally.

Please visit the Pale Horse Galleries online store
for art, gifts and collectibles -- all hand made
by Mexican indigenous artists.

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