APPO street thugs are beefing up their defenses -- which are actually street blockades where they extort money from passersby during the nights -- in anticipation of an assault by state and/or federal police. While outsiders may be gleeful at the anarchy which rules the streets of the state capitol, most residents here are most assuredly not happy. There is a building groundswell of support for federal forces, called "fuerza pública", to arrive from Mexico City and put an end to all this crap. Hence, the APPO criminals, fearful of losing their nightly source of revenue, are preparing for the expected confrontations.

And this is whom they are awaiting. The Four Horsemen -- The Riders on the Storm -- Los Jinetes de Infierno, comprised by (top to bottom); Presidente Vicente "Death" Fox, Gobernador Ulises "Pestilence" Ruiz Ortiz, Comandante Manuel David "War" Moreno and Presidente-electo Felipe "Famine" Calderón.

for art, gifts and collectibles -- all hand made
by Mexican indigenous artists.
TAGS: Oaxaca, Mexico, APPO, anarchy, SNTE
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