Mexico City's government has decided to respond to an advisory issued by the US State Department which calls Mexico City's skyrocketing rates of violent crime "critical".
The city's mayor, Marcelo Ebrard and its chief of police, Joel Ortega Cuevas, have reacted to the city's soaring rates of serious crime by conducting highly coordinated operations against highly un-serious threats.
Ebrard, you may recall, is a PRD political hack and AMLO buddy who used to be the Mexico City chief of police himself before assuming the mantel of mayor. Ebrard was fired by President Vicente Fox from his job as chief after his forces took more than 3 1/2 hours to arrive to the aid of 2 undercover narcotics officers who were lynched by a mob and then burned alive. The two men were taking photos near a school and the mob thought they might be kidnappers. Ebrard blamed the tardy response on "heavy traffic".
Reporters and camera crews which arrived within minutes of the trouble being first reported seemingly had no trouble navigating the "heavy traffic". Reporters were even able to interview the two bleeding police officers on live television before casually filming their incineration.
Ebrard is also famous for promising to implement all 146 of the Rudolph Giuliani team's recommendations for cleaning up the Mexico City police forces. Ebrard then proceeded to put into action, uh, exactly none of them. These recommendations were those that then Mayor AMLO promised to pay Giuliani 4.5 million dollars for, then paid him a mere million and sent him on his way. The old, "He doesn't understand Mexico and Mexicans" excuse was implemented.
Ortega Cuevas is famous for stating, upon his assumption of the job as police chief of the notoriously corrupt and crime-ridden city police forces, "I'm not going to fire or replace any police commanders. If some want to resign, that would be okey dokey."
Anyway, Ebrard and Ortega, demonstrating their newly awakened interest in truth, justice and the Mexican way, launched an operation against the street vendors in and around Mexico City's center. They sent in a highly trained force of 150 officers to sweep up and confiscate . . .
That's right, toy guns. 877 of them. About 6 toy guns per man.
BB guns
Daisy Red Rider air rifles

This operation was carried out with military precision on Wednesday but I am just now reporting on it because I have been engaged in some heavy research. I have been trying to determine how many of the hundreds of thousands of serious violent crimes, such as murders, rapes, robberies, kidnappings and assaults which took place in the city in 2006 (so far) -- most unreported to the authorities because, well, why bother? -- have been carried out at the point of a crossbow.
I haven't been able to find any. None. Zip. Zero.
However, I suppose that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Therefore, thanks to Mayor Ebrard and police chief Ortega, Mexico City residents and visitors can rest assured that they no longer must fear being accosted by vicious 12 year-olds brandishing Red Riders nor by bloodthirsty William Tell wannabees.
for art, gifts and collectibles -- all hand made
by Mexican indigenous artists.
Cross posted at Pale Horse Galleries
TAGS: Oaxaca, Mexico, Oaxaca teachers strike, Pale Horse Galleries, gifts, collectibles, Mexican arts and crafts, Mexico City, AMLO, Marcelo Ebrard, Rudolph Giuliani, SSPDF
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