Sunday, June 27, 2004

Bright Sunshine Today in Toronto

While cruising around the net, today ( I dislike the term "surfing), I found this fellow, who, while appearing to be a bright chap and a very logical thinker, may also have a suicidal bend to his character. His name is Salim Mansur and he is a professor of political science at The University of Western Ontario. He also writes a column for The Toronto Sun which appears on alternate Thursdays. This is what may get him into trouble.

Here is a sampling of his last few column titles with links;

Reagan: A regular guy ( Jun 11 )

Buying 'ethnic' votes ( Jun 8 )

Democracy: The devil is in the details ( May 27 )

Beheading, prison abuses can't be linked ( May 13 )

The U.S. has been true to its mission ( May 8 )

U.S. torturers will be brought to justice ( May 6 )
Canadian politics reek of anti-U.S. stench is his latest column and is the one I linked to in this post's title. I sent him an appreciative email which included the advice to head for Port Huron before he gets himself shot. What with Sharia law being slowly but surely implemented in Canada, I fear that getting shot would be welcome compared to what those people prefer which is the separation of one's mind from one's body, so to speak.

Visit the links and read what Mr. Mansur has to say. Hey! I just thought of something. Maybe there will be an opening in the Political Science Department at The University of Minnesota some day, like when Fidel dies.

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