Sunday, October 15, 2006

Oaxaca, Mexico: Weekend casualties so far -- 1 dead and 2 hospitalized

Four guys left a strip joint at 2:30 AM yesterday. They arrived at street barricade. An ambulance came blaring through and the barricade was lifted for the ambulance. When the 4 men tried to take advantage of this by also passing through the barricade, the APPO aficionados tried to stop them. Shots were fired from the men's car. Alejandro García Hernández, one of the APPO followers, was left dead in the street with a gunshot to the head. Another protester was wounded in the shoulder.

In another incident the same morning, a drunk motorist ran over a person manning another street barricade leaving the squashed one hospitalized in fair condition.

Funeral on the Zócalo, Governor blamed, normal weekend, nothing to see here, move along.

Please visit the Pale Horse Galleries online store
for art, gifts and collectibles -- all hand made
by Mexican indigenous artists.

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