She participated in American flag burnings in Gaza, incited crowds against Israel and the United States and represented the International Solidarity Movement (ISM), described by the MSM as a "peace group". The ISM's mission statement holds that "'armed struggle' is a Palestinian 'right'". The ISM's media coordinator, one Flo Rosovski, says, "Israel" is an illegal entity that should not exist." Other ISM representatives met with British suicide bombers Omar Khan Sharif and Asif Muhammad Hanif a few days before they blew up Mike's Place, a Tel Aviv pub, killing three and injuring dozens, including British citizens. The ISM sheltered in its office one Shadi Sukiya, a shadi character and leading member of Islamic Jihad. Peaceful, all right.
Here are some other Rachels who bear mentioning.

No one has written a play about any of these Rachels. They haven't had their stories told in the MSM (at least, not outside Israel) as has Rachel Corrie (some 57 articles in the Guardian, alone). They haven't had their photos published around the world, as has Rachel Corrie. They didn't participate in peace groups or war groups or any other political groups. They weren't trespassing in a foreign land. They weren't protesting against nor cursing their native country or anyone else's native country, for that matter. They weren't burning their country's flag nor my country's flag nor your country's flag nor anybody's country's flag. They weren't sheltering nor encouraging murderers and about-to-be murderers.
They were sitting in restaurants, cafes, shopping for food or sitting at home with their families when they were murdered along with their husbands, babies and friends.
Rachel Corrie wasn't murdered. She walked in front of a D9 Cat expecting the operator to stop. He didn't see her and squashed her like the bug she was. So she is elevated to heroine status while the other Rachels are ignored.
Dead Jews aren't news.
TAGS: Rachel Levy, Rachel Levi, Rachel Gavish, Rachel Charhi, Rachel Shabo, Rachel Kol, Rachel ben Abu, Rachel Thaler, International Solidarity Movement, ISM, Rachel Corrie, terrorists, racists
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