Friday, July 22, 2005

Jesus resurrected in Hollywood

I don't know if this link will work. I receive breaking stories by email from NewsMax and I can't find this story on Newmax's page. Anyway, it appears that Hollywood has finally realized that there are a lot of Christians out there that have the money to buy cinema tickets.

"Mel Gibson did us a service," said Bob Waliszewski, a media specialist with Focus on the Family, an evangelical group.

"The Hollywood elites' eyes widened big time. They said, 'I thought the church was dead. Is it possible that we don't know what's happening in state after state.' And the answer is a resounding yes."
From Christian groups like Focus on Family being included in focus groups that view early trailers to promoters and technical advisors for movies like "Kingdom of Heaven", "Cinderella Man" and "The Da Vinci Code," to the inclusion of a crucifix and jackets with "Jesus Rocks" printed on them worn by Mr. and Mrs. Smith, Hollywood is going for some of that evangelical Christian gold.

I realize that business is business but the hypocrisy is just dripping off of Hollywood's "elites".

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