I saw this yesterday but was too upset to write anything at that time. I'll try it now.
A funeral was held Tuesday at a church in Carnegie, Pa., for Staff Sgt. Joseph Goodrich, 32. Sgt. Goodrich was killed in Iraq on July 10. Suddenly, in the middle of the funeral, an uninvited visitor made her entrance and disrupted the funeral. Lt. Governor Catherine Baker Knoll marched into the church, sat down next to a Goodrich family member and demanded,
"Who are you?"Then she handed the family member one of her business cards, which the family member still has.
"Knoll felt this was an appropriate time to campaign and impose her will on us," said Rhonda Goodrich of Indiana, Pa.. "I am amazed and disgusted Knoll finds a Marine funeral a prime place to campaign."But what really has the Goodrich family upset was this statement by the brazenly ill mannered pol:
"I want you to know our government is against this war."The Lt. Gov. could not be reached for comment from her hiding place under her desk but an aide said that it would be "would be inappropriate" for him to comment.
Others equally disgusted:
Wind rider at Silent Running - A pox upon you, madam.
Blackfive with some info on Sgt. Goodrich that will make you angrier yet.
Pennywit asks, "Shouldn't politicians try to have at least a little decency?" I guess not, Pennywit.
Les Enfants Terrible asks, "Is the left that desperate or they simply losing their minds?"
Media Lies says, "Such crass behavior is beneath the dignity of a dog..."
Rhymes with Right says, "Dishonoring a dead Marine and distressing his family falls into that category, and must be reason to end her career."
Bill Hennessy's View, here and at The Bower is, "Lt. Gov. Knoll demonstrated evil hatred for the Marine..."
Michelle Malkin says "Knoll has some explaining to do..." I'm glad she's still enabling trackback after that mess yesterday.
B. Preston at Junkyard Blog says, "No apologies. No censure. Impeachment."
Gullyborg at Resistance is Futile calls it, "...one of the sleaziest atrocities of the year."
Tree hugging sister at Coalition of the Swilling says, "I don't see how anyone could be that offensive."
Quicksiver at Alpine Summit says, "Oh, you mean "inappropriate" like using a fallen Marine as a photo op?"
Lumpy at Lump on a Blog says this indicates "indencency, contempt, a hatred of everything American, cowardice, and a willingness to sacrifice the honor and dignity of everyone else for your own personal gain."
Quinsy at News, the Universe and Everything calls Knoll a "cretinous troll."
Jo at Jo's Cafe highlights it as a Sunday Special
Smash at Indepundit is a bit more calm, "...But a military funeral is neither the time nor the place for politicking."
Jibtrim at Starboard says, "I think I'm going to be sick,"
Mustang at Assumption of Command call it, "...the despicable actions of your LT Governor."
MacRanger at MacsMind declares "Moonbat Rage Alert! - Lock and Load"
LW at Laughing Wolf says, "...this is not a matter for a resignation, but of forced removal from office." (I botched this link yesterday. I just saw it and fixed it. Sorry, LW.)
Tags: Iraq, KIA, politics, liberal, Democrat
1 comment:
I'm am sure we will see this hog
jowled cow with pernicios adipose
again. probably with jane fondas
new tour. They belong together
Doc Stewart
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