Markos Moulitsas Zuñiga (Daily Kos) in good company
Markos Moulitsas Zuñiga, better known as Kos of the Daily Kos, is coming under increasing suspicion of engaging in a pay-for-play deal where, if Democratic political hacks hire his good buddy Jerome Armstrong, the political hack or his candidate gets Kudos from Kos. Moulitsas Zuñiga has now sent out an email to the not-so-super secret Townhouse Group saying, My request to you guys is that you ignore this for now. It would make my life easier if we can confine the story.
Now, Moulitsas Zuñiga is beginning to take some heat, not only for the scabby business dealings with the Democrats, but also for his email instructions to his loyal adjuncts and sycophants. While it is not the purpose of this post to excuse the actions of Moulitsas Zuñiga and Armstrong Armstrong, I think it important to note that this request for discretion is not unprecedented.
Markos Moulitsas Zuñiga, when confronted with mounting evidence that he may be just as money-grubbing an entrepreneur as, oh, say, Duke Cunningham, responds, "My request to you guys is that you ignore this for now. It would make my life easier if we can confine the story."
Pontius Pilate, after ordering the obviously unjustified crucifixion of a carpenter from Nazareth named Jesus H. Christ, to his Roman centurians and the Sanhedrin, "My request to you guys is that you ignore this for now. It would make my life easier if we can confine the story. We don't want to do anything that hurts the team."
Mohammed, AKA Muhammed, AKA Muhammad, AKA Mahmet, AKA ha-meshuggah, AKA the false prophet, AKA the Ninth Ditch of the Eighth Circle of Hell, AKA The Prophet, to his slobbering sycophants Kosola, Sterling al-NoLegalSkills and Jean-Paul al-Ready, after it became known that he had taken a 9 year-old girl as his wife and dragged her to his bed, "My request to you guys is that you ignore this for now. It would make my life easier if we can confine the story. But, man, am I ever starved of oxygen."
Genghis Khan to his son, Kublai, after relieving 600,000 Afghans of their property and their lives at Herat, "My request to you guys is that you ignore this for now. It would make my life easier if we can confine the story. We'll just call it the liberation of the citizens of Kosgate."
William Clark Quantrill, After leading the attack on Lawrence, Kansas in 1863 and executing 200 men and boys in front of their families because he had earlier had to flee the town after being charged with horse theft and murder, said to his assistants Jesse James and Bill Anderson, "My request to you guys is that you ignore this for now. It would make my life easier if we can confine the story. I don't want this to be the beginning of the end for a house of cards."
Harry F. Sinclair, after ordering 12 private detectives to shadow the members of the federal jury trying him on bribery charges in the Teapot Dome scandal, told them, "My request to you guys is that you ignore this for now. It would make my life easier if we can confine the story. It's only oil. You know, just pump and dump."
Kurt Waldheim, German SA officer, intelligence officer for General Lohr of German Army Group B, recipient of the Silver Medal with Oak Leaf Cluster from the fascist Ushtasi leader Ante Pavelic (AKA Ante Pavelitch, AKA Anton Pavelitch, AKA Pedro Gonner (Pedro??), whose motto was "kill a third, expel a third and convert a third" (meaning Jews and Gypsies -- 200,000 of them)), and who later became the Secretary General of the United Nations, upon publication of his wartime Nazi past, said, "My request to you guys is that you ignore this for now. It would make my life easier if we can confine the story. Besides, who cares about that pack of nut jobs?"
John Ehrlichman, UCLA, when told that the weasel John Dean might spill the beans, said to the plumbers, "My request to you guys is that you ignore this for now. It would make my life easier if we can confine the story. Our efforts, while not illegal, were merely incredibly dishonest and, well, stupid.
H. R. "Bob" Haldeman, also UCLA, responding to Ehrlichman's request for descretion, added, "My request to you guys is that you ignore this for now. It would make my life easier if we can confine the story. We don't want anyone to think that this activity is in any way illegal, unethical, shady or dishonest."
Kobe Bryant to a young hotel clerk, from behind while zipping his pants, "My request to you is that you ignore this for now. It would make my life easier if we can confine the story. Just act like a good little mindless robot.
(clockwise rom top left) Ken Lay (in handcuffs), Jeff Skilling (testifying), David Duncan (testifying) and Andy Fastow (in handcuffs) issued a joint statement before entering the joint, "My request to you guys is that you ignore this for now. It would make my life easier if we can confine the story. Lots of money is involved, over 30M, and their (sic) are 5 different parties involved in the negotiations."
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TAGS: Markos Moulitsas, Markos Moulitsas Zuñiga, Daily Kos, Jerome Armstrong, KosGate
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