Warren Buffett, billionaire director of Berkshire Hathaway, has announced his intention to give away his 42 billion dollar (that's forty two comma naught-naught-naught comma naught-naught-naught comma naught-naught-naught E pluribus unims) to various foundations. Mark in Mexico has respectfully requested that his own foundation be considered for some of this largesse.

Buffett will begin giving away his Class B Berkshire stock next year. Class B Berkshire stock is trading at $3,071 per share. Ahem. He will also have to eventually convert some of his Class A stock in order to complete his pledged gifts. Class A Berkshire stock is currently trading at $92,100 per share. Ahem, twice.

This should come as great news to all my fellow bloggers which is why I am so happy to share it with you. I will soon be able to visit the website of each and every one of you and leave behind a generous $5 in your tip jar.
After the completion of the foundation's goal, which is its eventual completion, if ever, you all will be welcome to come for a visit. Please remember to bring an outdated Sears Roebuck catalog with you when you drop by.
for art, gifts and collectibles -- all hand made
by Mexican indigenous artists.
TAGS: Warren Buffett, really rich guy
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