That was the question Mel Gibson asked the police officer who arrested him for DUI yesterday. TMZ had the initial report on the arrest and then added some shocking, but none too surprising details. It seems that Gibson tried to run away when officers first attempted to put him in the police car. Officers had to handcuff him to get him to settle down.

Mel Gibson: "My life is f***ed."
Then, once inside the police car, Gibson went nuts. Besides shouting that "My life is f***ed," he went on an anti-Semitic rampage. He first threatened Deputy Mee with, "You mother f****r. I'm going to f*** you," and, according to Mee, Gibson said that he "owned Malibu" and "will spend all his money to 'get even' with me." Then came this:
The report says Gibson then launched into a barrage of anti-Semitic statements: "F*****g Jews... The Jews are responsible for all the wars in the world." Gibson then asked the deputy, "Are you a Jew?"

Deputy Mees: "Do I look like a joo to you, boy?"
TMZ has the arresting officer's hand-written report here. This is the original report. TMZ is charging that the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department tried to cover up the initial report as written by the arresting officer, Deputy James Mee, because it was "too inflammatory" and would "cause a lot of Jewish hatred". They ordered Mee to re-write the report. There is also a video that was made by a sergeant when Gibson arrived at the jail. Another sergeant, a female, was present and Gibson, according to Deputy Mee's report, yelled to her, "What do you think you're looking at, sugar tits?"
UPDATE: More here in response to lefty gloating and Christian bashing. Also, there was some fear that this story was a hoax. Go here to the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department's Inmate Information Page. Enter Gibson and Mel, then click Search. Put your cursor on anything in the box, then right click and there are all the goodies. Do you suppose he had any trouble raising the $5000 bail?
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TAGS: Mel Gibson, anti-Semite
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