Three bombs exploded in Mexico City just after midnight last night, damaging buildings but injuring no one. The bombs, which exploded between 12:03 am and 12:15 am, did significant damage to the Tribunal Electoral del Poder Judicial de la Federacion (TEPJF -- the nation's election judges), PRI party headquarters and a Scotiabank branch.
The bombs are being described by authorities as "homemade". Really? I can't remember the last time I shopped at the ACME Bomb Factory Store, can you? ACME's motto: "Buy our high quality bombs, all mass produced in high-tech bomb factories, UL approved -- ISO-9002".
In fact, I watched news footage this morning as Mexico City's public security officials (SSP) displayed bomb parts for the gathered reporters. The bombs were in gym bags inside cardboard boxes, and among some surviving bomb parts were hollowed out corncobs. That's right, corncobs. That must be how the bombers hid the bombs for transportation to their targets; inside their . . . corncobs . . . never mind, bad joke.
Mexico City's PRD mayor, or Chief of Government, the leader of Mexico City's PRD government, located in the PRD controlled State of Mexico, doesn't seem to get it. He's not going to be able to use the PRD banner to isolate his city from the violence wracking the rest of the country. He has invited in AMLO (Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador) and his campers to occupy the Zocalo and Avenida Reforma, APPO to occupy Avenida Reforma, the front of the national Senate building and the front of the presidential palace, Los Pinos, as well as every other socialist movement with a beef against the federal government. And there are a lot of socialist movements with axes to grind.
Why Mayor Alejandro Encinas would think they would all arrive in his city and leave the violence behind is beyond me. Now he's got his hands full. Even AMLO, as mayor of this sprawling disaster area called Mexico City, DF, was forced to put a stop to the almost daily marches by one group or another which nearly brought the city to its knees several years ago. AMLO issued a mayoral proclamation which basically stated that everyone was welcome to demonstrate in the streets of Mexico City so long as they did not demonstrate in the streets of Mexico City.
That proclamation is still in effect and AMLO himself, with the permission and encouragement of current Mayor Encinas, has been violating it since early July when he lost the presidential election.

Mayor Encinas also refuses to provide protection for the city's main cathedral, where APPO demonstrators again interrupted the Archbishop's Sunday Mass to protest his involvement in "political matters". Political matters? I thought this was all about poverty, the downtrodden and the disenfranchised. It's really all political, all the time.
Encinas has already discounted theories that AMLO's supporters were "sending a message" and AMLO has rushed to issue a denial of any involvement. Who knows who was behind it? The PRI itself could have done it to embarrass Encinas, AMLO and the PRD. The PRD could have done it to embarrass the federal government. APPO could have done it to further pressure President Fox and the national Senate over their refusal to fire Oaxaca Governor Ulises Ruiz Ortiz. Quien sabe?
for art, gifts and collectibles -- all hand made
by Mexican indigenous artists.
TAGS: Mexico City, PRD, AMLO, APPO, Alejandro Encinas
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