Section 22 of the SNTE, formally known as Sección 22 del Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadores de la Educación, reinstalled their blockades at government buildings today. They have blocked access to the Governor's office in Santa María Coyotepec (just past the airport), the local Congress building, the State Attorney General's offices and the State Superior Court of Justice offices. A union spokesman said that the offices would be closed "from 9 - 7" and not open on Saturdays, thank you for your non-patronage. I'm sure this was done to foster the negotiating environment.

Apparently, anyone in Oaxaca who wants a government office shut down, like, say, the tax collector's office, just has a banner made, marches down to the office, flings it over the front door, and the tax collector will meekly retire for the duration. I ought to try that. My lawyer and I used to stand on a portico outside his office in front of the Zócalo in Puebla and watch the once-per-week protest marches by whatever-group-was-pissed-off-that-day. He often joked that we should have a banner made and join right in. Something like, "We Demand Bigger Bacon Portions With Our Breakfast At Sanborn's" or "We Demand Longer Lunch Breaks For Our Free Lunch".
Here in Oaxaca, one would need to present a bit more formal and threatening presence; something like "People's Organization for Ongoing Parlimentarianism (POOP) Demands More Parlimentary Opposition to Ongoing Problems (More POOP). The lede in the Mexico City daily Reforma would read, "POOP demands More POOP in Oaxaca".
Enough of this silliness.
I might point out that the teachers union's actions are nothing, nothing compared to the ongoing anarchism and criminalism (anarchy and criminality, perhaps?) being commited daily by APPO.
Oh, I almost completely forgot about this. Remember APPO's big march last Sunday to confront the PFP in the Zócalo? The one where APPO decided to stop about 5 blocks short of the ready and waiting PFP? The march got a late start because there was a gunfight inside the Juarez University encampment at 6:30 am. I guess one group of thugs got pissed off at another group of thugs and lead poisoning ensued. A Tech University student was hauled to the hospital with bullet wounds. Probably over the undersized bacon portions.
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by Mexican indigenous artists.
TAGS: Oaxaca, Mexico, Oaxaca teachers strike, Sección 22, Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadores de la Educación, SNTE
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