The PRD (AMLO's party) has vowed that Felipe Calderón will not be allowed to take the oath of office as President of Mexico on December 1. As part of their strategy, they intended to take over the dais in the Mexican House of Deputies where Calderón is to be sworn in. The PAN (Calderón's party) was aware of this and was ready and waiting to stop them. Chaos ensued.
As you watch the video, you will not have the opportunity to see Violeta Lagunes, 35, LHP. She was on the dais when the PRD rushed it. She started firing glasses of water at the PRD deputies. When she ran out of water glasses, she began flinging high hard ones at them with full bottles of water. The Yankees, hard up for decent left-handed pitching, will probably offer her several millions to move to NYC in 2007.

Now, I know what you guys are looking at, but perhaps you ladies can stay on track and appreciate what appears to be a split seam fastball headed towards the noggin of one PRD deputy or another. And if you study her facial expression just a bit, it looks like she is thoroughly enjoying herself. Splat! Bonk! Whack!
As we draw ever closer to December 1, folks in Mexico are becoming more nervous by the day. There are 117 confirmed invitees attending the presidential swearing-in, including the heads-of-state of Guatemala, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Colombia, Honduras, Costa Rica, Perú, Panamá and Ecuador as well as George Bush, Sr. and The Governator hisself. The fear, of course, is another embarrassment for Mexico on a par with the little emperor, AMLO.
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by Mexican indigenous artists.
TAGS: Mexico City, PAN, PRD, Felipe Calderón, Violeta Lagunes
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