Recently, the federal Undersecretary of the Interior, Sr. Chavez Chavez, the man charged with most of the on again-off again negotiations with APPO leadership, complained that negotiating with said leadership was very difficult. He said that just when he thought he had an agreement with "APPO leaders", a different set of "leaders" would step forward and put the kabosh on his "agreement". He complained that "you never know whether you are dealing with the leaders or not."
Local officials and the rector of Juarez university are learning that sad fact today. After a supposed agreement between "APPO leaders", the university and the state's Interior secretariat, the university was opened. Now arises yet another head of the Hydra called "APPO leadership", this one calling itself Coordinación Estudiantil de la Asamblea Popular del Pueblo de Oaxaca (Student Coordinators of APPO), to say they may shut the university down again.
They claim that they don't like the security arrangements. They have masked off the radio station area inside the School of Law so that students cannot get near it. They claim that "4 carloads of paramilitaries sent by Governor Ruiz Ortiz" stopped by last night to chat, share a cup of java and machine gun the front of the university.
The "student coordinators" claim that every night several carloads of paramilitary gunmen stop by to repeat the exercize. No one else, not one reporter or witness, has confirmed any of these reports. On the contrary, the shootout last week which gravely wounded a student from the Tech university was reported as being a gunfight inside the university between two different groups of APPO thugs. Now, however, lefty websites all over the world are decrying the attempted assasination of the innocent by paramilitaries during a drive-by.
In any event, the agreement which the university and the government reached with "APPO leaders" less than 24 hours ago is about to be rendered obsolete by a different "leadership".

As far as my prediction that the rector would claim 99% attendance today, Reforma reports that only 3 colleges inside the university are open; the College of Accounting and Administration, the College of Languages and the College of Law. Reforma says that the other liberal and fine arts schools, the College of Architecture, the Medical School and the Dental School are all not operating today. So the rector couldn't very well claim 99%, could he? He's claiming "70% of the university's students are in their classrooms".
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by Mexican indigenous artists.
TAGS: Oaxaca, Mexico, Oaxaca teachers strike, UABJO, Juarez University, APPO
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