Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador was scheduled to give a speech yesterday in San Martin Texmelucan, just outside Puebla. When the magic hour arrived, only about 250 aficionados had bothered to attend in an auditorium with 2000 seats. AMLO's handlers held him up for 30 minutes while political operatives made frantic phone calls to get people there from anywhere. Meanwhile, other servants scrambled to remove some 300 chairs from the floor in front of the stage.
Nothing worked as the no-shows continued to not arrive and butts in seats continued to not occur.
La Cronica reports that, after the speech, AMLO left to little of the applause and huzzahs to which he has become accustomed as well as to the very long faces of the event's organizers and overheard whispers, "Ain't nobody here." Later, in a press conference, AMLO got really testy.
Newspapers had been reporting that PRD members were talking about AMLO's plea that every PRD senator and deputy in the country donate 40,000 pesos (a tidy sum, even for these crooks) to help pay for AMLO's "inauguration" as "head of state" of the "people's legitimate government". AMLO wants to raise 6.5 million pesos for the extravaganza. That event should be coming up here before too long. I think it's scheduled for right after the Macy parade. Anyway, AMLO was asked by a cheeky reporter if he was, indeed, "passing the hat." AMLO snapped, "I don't answer questions from CISEN."
AMLO has accused the press of being "spies" and "tools of the right" for having the temerity to report what he says and does. CISEN is Mexico's central intelligence agency.
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TAGS: AMLO, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador
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